Whistler Wonderland and Reunions

I spent a total of 10 days between Whistler, BC and Vancouver, BC on this trip. Having the wedding based out of Vancouver it was a centre point of the trip to collect people and meet up, gather for celebrations and experience a wide range of ‘firsts’.

After the bachelorette party I decided to stay in Whistler for an extra 2 days with a friend rather than head back to Vancouver. During these two days I took the down time and spent majority of it sitting by and swimming in Alta Lake. The weather was some if the best summer weather I had all trip…enough to work on my tan in time for the wedding! I read, took naps, dived off the jetty and floated in the icy cold waters thinking life wasn’t going to get better than those moments. Little did I realize that this was just the start of an incredible month. I caught up with friends I was living with last year in Whistler, ate some grub in the cheapest establishment in town; El furniture warehouse (el ferni), toured the old stomping grounds of the village and drank chai with the yoga ladies and gents in town for Wanderlust. I had never been to Whistler during Summer. I quickly fell in love the bike culture and healthier side of the town compared to the party, party lifestyle of Winter that I have experienced for so many years. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very much there…people just live to ride in the town. If I come back to Canada after my European adventure I would absolutely get into downhill.

The 1st, I took an early bus out to Vancouver to meet my travel buddy for the next 3 and a half weeks….Miss Imi. The girl who would make me cry and almost wet my pants with laughter, my adventure and adrenalin partner, my partner in crime and organizer, and the girl who would introduce me to some luck of the Irish.


We met at our hotel, The Kingston, centre of Downtown and perfectly situated next to a local sports bar. It had everything we needed in our tiny double bed room…a sink, large mirror (for wedding prep), a fan which was only off when we were out, communal bathrooms, free bagels and coffee for breakfast, AND it didn’t cost us an arm!

That night we had dinner and drinks with Alice and Sam at the conveniently situated sports bar downstairs. Imi, myself and another friend, Barlow, would be joining these two crazy kids in Tofino, Vancouver Island, for 4 days after the wedding. A great night to ease the gang into festivities and warm up our kidneys for the coming week (at least)!


Imi and I will be back in Vancouver for another day later on, stay tuned for what was probably one of the best days of the trip!

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